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The Eye of the River: Textile Paintings by Lola Lefrançois

Images:Top: Detail, Rainbow Lorikeet, 160 x 60 inches, Oil paint and acrylic on fabricRight: Was the Ugly Duckling Ever a Swan?, 11 x 17 inches, Oil paint and acrylic on fabricArtist's Statement Inspired by the utopian quality of Western landscape paintings, my work exposes the stark contrast between these idyllic scenes and the contemporary treatment […]

Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Cabin Fever

You are invited toThe Courthouse Gallery between 10:30 and Noon every Saturday morning in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!  

Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Valentines Anyone?

You are invited toThe Courthouse GalleryDrop-in between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM every Saturday in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!

Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Let it Snow!

You are invited toThe Courthouse GalleryDrop in between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM every Saturday in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!

Winter Break Art Workshop: Painting on Fabric

Winter Break Drop-In Workshop in the Courthouse Gallery 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM See the exhibition The Eye of the River Paintings on Textiles by Lola Lefrançois Create paintings or drawings of your own on fabric or patterned paper. Suitable for ALL ages and abilities.  Free of Charge. All materials provided.    

Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Maker Space!

You are invited toThe Courthouse GalleryDrop in between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PMevery Saturday in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!

Ario Elami: Artist’s Reception

Meet Iranian-American Artist Ario Elami to learn more about his exhibition: Numinous Altars.All are welcome; light refreshments are available.The Artist will speak about his work at 5:00.

Bands & Beans

Fort William Henry Conference Center 48 Canada Street, Lake George, NY, United States

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