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Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Valentines Anyone?

You are invited toThe Courthouse GalleryDrop-in between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM every Saturday in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!

Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Let it Snow!

You are invited toThe Courthouse GalleryDrop in between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM every Saturday in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!

Winter Break Art Workshop: Painting on Fabric

Winter Break Drop-In Workshop in the Courthouse Gallery 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM See the exhibition The Eye of the River Paintings on Textiles by Lola Lefrançois Create paintings or […]

Winter Carnival Winter Arts: Maker Space!

You are invited toThe Courthouse GalleryDrop in between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PMevery Saturday in February! All materials are provided and all ages and abilities are welcome.Just bring your imagination!

Ario Elami: Numinous Altars

Ario Elami:  Numinous AltarsFebruary 12 through March 12, 2025 Artist's ReceptionSaturday, March 12th4:00 - 6:00 PM Numinous: Something mysterious, supernatural, spiritual, awe-inspiring, and perhaps holy. Altar: A table, as in […]

Ario Elami: Artist’s Reception

Meet Iranian-American Artist Ario Elami to learn more about his exhibition: Numinous Altars.All are welcome; light refreshments are available.The Artist will speak about his work at 5:00.

Bands & Beans

Fort William Henry Conference Center 48 Canada Street, Lake George, NY, United States

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